Midway Point

Midway Point, Tasmania, 7171

  ranked 91 in all 127 suburbs of Hobart
Aggregate Data of Midway Point
State: Tasmania
Postal code: 7171 (Suburbs with the same postal code:
Overall rating: 6.5, ranked 91 in all 127 suburbs of Hobart
Population: 2599, ranked 26 in all 127 suburbs of Hobart
Measurement: 2.1246 km2 , ranked 101 in all 127 suburbs of Hobart
Population density: 1223.29 person/km2
Distance to CBD: 19.3 km
Average level of education: 10.66 years , ranked 75 in all 127 suburbs of Hobart
Median yearly personal income: 30316 AUD , ranked 57 in all 127 suburbs of Hobart
Median weekly personal income: 583 AUD , ranked 57 in all 127 suburbs of Hobart
Median weekly family income: 1278 AUD , ranked 78 in all 127 suburbs of Hobart
Median weekly household income: 1053 AUD , ranked 79 in all 127 suburbs of Hobart
Midway Point suburbs nearby
Penna 7171
Forcett 7173
Seven Mile Beach 7170
Lewisham 7173
Richmond 7025
Cambridge 7170
Acton Park 7170
Mount Rumney 7170
Orielton 7172
Updated: 2019-06-01 19:30:07